Getting on top of your finances isn’t the easiest task in the world. Whether you’re saving for something special or looking to get out of debt, it takes a little organization to get on the right track. To monitor your money and improve your financial health, there are plenty of tools to support your progress. To make a start today, try checking out these six nifty options.
1 . Dollarbird
Dollarbird is a smart calendar designed to help you keep track of your finances. With the calendar interface, it’s easy to add and monitor your transactions. Dollarbird comes with advanced AI features that learn your habits and ensure that categorization is simple. The application provides automatic balance calculations, per day and per month; with these features, you’ll get a clear breakdown of previous and pre-planned transactions. Dollarbird also allows you to collaborate your financial details with your family or partner.
2. Spending Tracker
Spending Tracker is a free personal finance app that helps users stick to their budget and save money. Using the spending tracker app, you can choose to track your budget weekly, monthly, or yearly. It’s simple to log your income, export transactions, and view your spending history. You can organize your transactions easily by name, amount, or date. Spending Tracker also provides reports and interactive charts to provide you with a clear picture of your spending. The Spending Tracker app will provide you with the data you need to cut expenses where possible.
3. Expensify
With the Expensify app, you can scan your receipts and track your personal or business expenses. It couldn’t be simpler to manage your spending; simply take a photo of any receipt, and the app will automatically capture the key details. There’s also an ‘Expensify Card,’ which eliminates the need for receipts altogether. The app is particularly suitable for businesses as you can submit your expenses for fast approval. Having said this, you can also use Expensify to monitor your personal finances. Tracking your receipts can provide you with a rounded view of your spending habits; utilizing this info, you can look at reducing your expenses in the future.
The BUDGT app works by keeping track of your expenses, providing you with data about how much money you can afford to spend each day. All you have to do is input your daily expenses, and then BUDGT will take care of the numbers. With a budget break down like this, it’s far easier to spend less and start making some substantial savings. Using BUDGT, you can set reminders, customize your budget, and organize your different categories. The ‘Month End Projection’ is handy to see how much you have left to spend on that particular month. Any money you have leftover can be put forward to the next month or transferred to your savings as appropriate.
5. Toshl Finance
The Toshl Finance app allows you to track all of your bank accounts and credit cards from one app. You can automatically connect thousands of different financial services and banks across the United States. Toshl Finance allows you to add data tags to the entries, including location, repeats, bill reminders, or photos. The app also provides graphs so you can visualize your budgeting goals and manage your finances.
6. Goodbudget
Goodbudget is the perfect money manager to improve your financial health. There are plenty of excellent features to take advantage of, including monitoring account balances and envelopes; speed optimized expense tracking; and scheduled transactions. Goodbudget saves you time with its category suggestions and smart payee features. It’s easy to add your income and edit your budget whenever you need. With the Envelope Report, you can analyze your spending, and with the Spending Report, you can monitor your cash flow.
7. Mvelopes
Mvelopes uses a digital envelope based budgeting system; each envelope represents a different budgeting category. It’s simple to customize the envelopes, monitor your transactions, and find how much you can still spend. The Mvelopes app allows you to organize your debt payments and stop overspending. You can view all of your accounts in one place, sync your transactions, and simplify your financial plans.
When you’re trying to get on top of your finances, debt is one of the most frustrating obstacles. Budgeting and saving can feel impossible when you’re burdened with debts, and it can be challenging to get back on track. To help you make some good progress with your debts, it can be useful to consider a debt relief program.
Until next time,