Dear Students,
As I write this, my heart is heavy and my eyes are filled with tears. The past few days have been hard and my thoughts have been flooded with you and the future. I cry because I know some of you have faced these injustices. But then I weep because if you haven’t faced them yet, you will. How is that fair? Why am I thinking like this? How is it okay that we are letting these injustices continue? I want more for you, you deserve more.
I think of the moments we have in my classroom, where the outside world does not exist. I’ve tried tirelessly to shield you from the ugliness of the world. Yes, we do talk about these things; I try and make you aware that these issues exist. But the moments we have together, I want you to cherish the innocence you have for the time being.
But you all have grown up so fast. Too fast for me to protect you, too fast for any change in the world to occur. Some of you are being thrown into this hatred and it was the last thing I ever wanted for you. Teaching has not just been about sharing knowledge with you, it’s been about growing with you as well.
I hope that your voices are heard. I hope that things change for you when you are adults. I hope that if you don’t understand a side, you can try to at least learn to understand and more importantly empathize with others. Empathy is help heal our community and that starts with you, my dear students. I hope that any injustices you have faced don’t make you lose faith. I hope you lead with love and spread those seeds. I hope things are better for you.
Every student I’ve ever had is forever in my heart and these hopes and dreams I have are for each and every one of you. Do better, love better and heal better.
Your crazy middle school English teacher,
Mrs. Loveless

This is very powerful. My best friend is a teacher, so I cannot help but think about the little ones and how they must feel right now. Thank you for all that you do! I know that it takes a special woman to be a teacher.
xoxo Amanda | theaestheticedge.com