So some of you may have noticed that I’ve taken about a month long break from blogging and social media. It was a much NEEDED break as I was going through some personal changes. I made a huge career change that required 110% of my time. I’m glad I made the change and I took the chance to do something VERY out of my comfort zone.
I’m into the third week of my new job and I’m learning something new about MYSELF everyday. There have been some major challenges but things have been rewarding. In the end it’s all worth the blood, sweat and tears.
While I’ve always considered myself someone who embraces change I realize that change can still be a scary thing. Even I get a little anxious when it comes to change. Change isn’t always a good thing BUT sometimes it’s a necessary evil.
Change is important in ones own personal life because it allows you to grow and evolve as a person. Life should be an evolution of changes. You are literally born to change. From the moment you are brought into this world, your evolution starts. I mean heck, even before you’re born you’re evolving.
Being comfortable is well…comfortable. It’s safe and reliable but it also stops you from growing. I believe it’s human nature to seek out more. It may seem like some people are fine being “comfortable” but there’s a lot we don’t see. Sometimes that internal battle we have with ourselves can be much harder than any other physical battle we may encounter.
I challenge myself on an everyday basis, whether it’s to change, learn something new or grow, I want to push myself to new limits.
With a new season on the horizon, I’m taking the plunge to finish off the rest of the year with a bang. Fall isn’t the ending of things, instead it’s the chance to take a break, rewind and rethink. This September I challenge YOU to do something out of your comfort zone. I challenge you to make a positive change, either in your own life or within your community.
Let me know what you look forward to during the Fall season.
Are you scared of change?
What challenges are you looking to overcome?
Until next time babes,
I love your positivity! Keep on killing it!
Thanks, Caitlin! I appreciate your support <3
I’m so excited for Autumn and there are so many things that I am planning on changing in my life and I know it will be hard but it will definitely be worth it in the long run! Great post and I love your top!
Autumn is definitely a time for change in my humble opinion! Do you and I can’t wait to see the changes you make <3
Good luck to you in your new career! Change is sometimes exactly what we need, even if we don’t realize it.
Thank you, Susan! <3
I soo agree with you. I remember when I had to move out of an apartment I lived in for 8 years to a new one. It was difficult but a necessary decision. The change was eventually good for us
Yes, it’s definitely a necessary evil because you need it to grow. Sometimes there’s something much better for us out there, just taking the small step could make a world of difference <3
Nice to see an update from you! 🙂 Change is a neutral word but somehow people always see it as a negative. I enjoy change, it makes life much more interesting. I’m glad you’re embracing change and facing challenges head on!