2018, you’ve been good to me. You’ve provided me with some downs BUT there were definitely more UPS that made the year amazing.
2018 will always be an important year in my life because it’s the year I married my best friend, Steven.
As our first year of marriage comes to an end, I can look back at everything with so much joy. All the adventures we’ve had so far and the many more I can’t wait to have with Steven!
What 2018 Taught Me:
- Be true to yourself: Don’t do something because everyone else is doing. If you have to question yourself numerous times, are you being true to who you are? Your actions should come naturally, authentically. When you stay true to who you are there are no walls, no masks that have to be put up. And this my friends makes life 100% easier.
- Put YOU first: In order to serve others, you need to serve your self first. Taking care of yourself is extremely important. This means taking care of you mind, body and soul. Self care is important. And self care isn’t limited to putting a face mask on or doing a nightly skincare routine. Self care can be reading a book, going to a coffee shop and spending time alone. Do things that make you happy and try doing them alone 🙂
- Don’t compare yourself to others: I’ve never really been one to compare myself to those around me or who I see online but I do think it’s natural to compare yourself in some degree. I saw myself asking, “Why isn’t my skin like hers?”, or, “Why is her blog so successful and mines not?”. These questions were superficial on the surface. Of course I knew the reasons behind them but how was comparing myself to others on this level serving me? It wasn’t. I was comparing, I was just feeling sorry for myself. My skin didn’t look as great as hers because I wasn’t taking care of it! My blog wasn’t getting views because duh, I didn’t post! I stopped feeling sorry for myself and started taking action. Action that was good for ME and centered around ME, not someone else or someone else’s view.
- Don’t take shit: EASY. But like I don’t have to be a bitch about it either….
While I’m sad to see 2018 end, I’m happy that a new year is upon us. Now, you can make change ANY time of the year but there’s something refreshing about making a change or improvement at the start of the year. It’s like laying the foundation for what’s to come.
I don’t usually make resolutions but my focus is to improvement my health (stay on track with my fitness, diet and improve my blood pressure), growing my blog and taking my skincare to the next level.
Do you make resolutions? What are you looking to improve in 2019? Let me know in the comments below!
Until next time,