Now that summer is in full swing it is time for us to pack up a bag, head to our car and enjoy days out in the sunshine. Driving in the summer is always fun and it can be a great chance to really enjoy your car for what it is. However, as always on the road, there are a few dangers to be aware of.
Today we want to break down some handy safety tips for summer driving to keep you safe this year.
Slow down
The main thing which you might see on the road during summer is people driving a lot faster than they normally would. The reason for this is simply because the weather is hot, it’s sunny, and people are enjoying driving. However you need to be more cautious on the road and it is a good idea to even install a box with Blackboxmycar.com to keep your habits in line. Slowing down and taking it easy could make a huge difference.
Start with a cool car
The worst thing that can happen when you step into your car on a hot day is it already being baking hot. When the car has been in a sunny spot it will be boiling by the time you get to it and this can make the drive uncomfortable. A good tip is to park your car in the shade if you can or cover it with something to reflect the sun. You can also place cooling pads on the seats ready for sitting down and this can make it much more comfortable.
Top up fluids
Think of your car like a mechanical version of you. In the winter it needs to be wrapped up and kept away from the cold, and in the summer it needs to be cooled down to avoid the engine overheating. To cool down the car this year you can add some water and other fluids to your car to make sure it is able to withstand the heat. Make sure to check the levels often to make sure that they are correct.
Keep hydrated
As well as keeping your car hydrated in the sun, you need to keep yourself in driving condition. Make sure that whenever you head out for a car journey this summer, you bring a bottle of cold water with you. Water will make such a difference on a hot day and it can ensure that you stay alert and focussed on the road.
Don’t leave your dog behind
The most important tip of all for summer driving is to never leave your dog in the car while you go out shopping. Even if you open a window slightly, the temperature of the car will increase rapidly and this can be fatal for your pet in a matter of minutes. Bring your pooch with you or even better, leave them at home laying on a cooling pad.
Until next time,
Very insightful