Feeling bored? Contrary to popular belief, many people don’t get bored because they have nothing to do. Some people can have entire list of things to do, but still get bored because none of these things spark any interest. A constant state of boredom may eventually lead to depression as everyday tasks become meaningless. By learning to beat boredom, you can avoid it becoming a mental illness. Here are just several ways in which you can beat boredom.
Vary things up
Variety truly is the spice of life. Whilst routines are important for keeping us motivated, too much routine can start to make us feel trapped. As exciting as these routines may have once been, they may eventually become boring if there is no variety. If you’re bored of doing the same tasks at work, consider making small changes to your routine such as changing the order of which you do things, changing your work environment, trying a new food/drink as you work, listening to new music as you work or even trying out a new way of doing things. Similarly, if you’re bored at home, you may be able to make small change to your home’s layout, try cooking a new meal or watch a new TV show.
Set yourself new goals
You may already have goals in place, but if you’ve had these goals for a long time they may no longer excite you. Introducing new goals could give you something new to look to forward to – you can keep your old goals and your new goals don’t have to be too drastic. You may be able to fill your free time with new challenges, allowing you to feel as if you’re being productive. This could include learning a new language or a new craft.
Be social
Humans are social creatures – even if the most introverted of us need social interaction to provide daily stimulation. Something as simple as messaging or ringing a friend or making small talk with a colleague could help to pass the time when bored.
Be an optimist
Optimists always consider the most positive outcome and are more motivated to take on tasks and be productive. By considering the rewards of a task, you may find it easier to take it up and you may even start to enjoy doing it. Pessimists are more likely to talk themselves out of trying new things. They may approach routine tasks with a sense of dread. Start banishing away such negative thoughts and try to consider the positive outcomes as small as they may be.
Allow yourself time to re-energize
If you’re exhausted, you’re less likely to have the energy to try something new and challenge yourself. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep and taking breaks between tasks. Sometimes doing nothing is the most productive thing you can do. You may also be able to reenergize yourself by eating food, drinking coffee, exercising after a long period of inactivity or listening to music.
Until next time,
Good tips ☺