Now and then it’s nice to switch things up a little, to keep life interesting. One of the most exciting ways to do this is by updating your look. Changing your style, or merely updating your regular look, can fill you with a whole new energy and confidence, giving you a fresh outlook on everything around you.
If you’re thinking that you would love to give your closet a makeover to change your style, but are put off by the cost involved, then there are some really easy ways to solve this. A style update doesn’t have to cost a fortune; in fact, the less money you have to spend the more creative you will find yourself being. Having a budget to stick to will help you to think outside the box, and who knows you may even come across some hidden treasures that you would never usually find elsewhere. So, here’s how to update your look whatever your budget may be:
Scan the Sales
Think about the pieces that you want to create your new updated look, and then shop like crazy for them. To keep costs down and to narrow your search simply look through the clearance sections to spot a bargain or two. For example, if you know that you’re after a tunic, then focus your search on Tunics on sale to find just what you are looking for. Sale sections online and in-store are a perfect way to pick up items you would never usually be able to afford at full price.
Photo by Artem Beliaikin @belart84 from Pexels
Go Vintage
To find truly unique additions for your updated closet, why not go vintage? A thrift store may not be your usual hang out, but why not give it a try to see if you can find that special something? Thrift stores can be a real treasure trove for fashion lovers, finding pieces that are one of a kind, and original. You may find that you have to have a proper search through a lot of items when shopping at a thrift store, but it will be more than worth it to find something that you adore.

Swap It!
Change your look without spending a single dime by organizing a clothing swap with your friends or family. Trade in items you no longer want for things of theirs that you love. Just be careful about what you’re swapping because you don’t want any disagreements to result from people changing their minds about what they are giving away. If done right, everyone can come away from the clothes swap happy with what they have.
Start with Accessories
If you are apprehensive about changing your whole look, then why not start small? Simply, add some accessories that you would like to form part of your new look to your outfit and see how you like them. Updating your look doesn’t need to happen overnight. If you prefer you can build your updated look into your existing style and simply let it evolve organically over time.
Until next time,
These are such great tips, thanks for sharing!
Thanks for stopping by and reading! <3
Wonderful post! I really like your ideas 🙂 xx