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Are you thinking about going to a completely new look? Maybe you are bored with your current look. You might have stuck to the same style for years. And, while that look may well have worked for you for a very long time, it might not suit you anymore.
We go through many changes in life. Our careers change, our relationships evolve or move on, we may even replace friends. You might well have a whole different set of priorities in life than you did a decade or so ago, but you may well be still wearing the same clothes. If your current fashion style no longer reflects you as a person, then there is no harm in finding one that says more about you now.
Where To Start Looking For Your New Style
Knowing you want a change is not the same as knowing what you want to do to alter your style. You may need to do some research into the type of look that you will go for next.
The first thing to think of is what type of overall aesthetic do you want? How would you like others to see you? Are you wanting to be treated seriously and come across more professional? Maybe you feel as though you dress too seriously and that you would like a more alternative or playful style. Try making some notes about the type of look that you think you want.
You will then need to go off and learn as much about different fashions as possible. Start saving images of the types of look you want to wear. Read about different styles and find out the answer to questions such as what is a daith piercing?
The more information and imagery you can gather, the more ideas you will get.
Review Your Existing Wardrobe
You probably already own quite a lot of different clothes. You may have been buying items for years and will have probably spent a lot of money on everything in your wardrobe. Before you get rid of everything that you own, you should go through it and see what you can still make use of.
Some items can be worn alongside new pieces. While you may be able to piece together a couple of different garments that have never been worn together to create a new look.
Another thing that you should consider is upcycling your clothes. You may be able to add to existing items, or cut them up and reshape them very easily.
Buying New Items
You will obviously be excited to buy your new wardrobe full of clothes, but this can be quite pricey and will be something that will take time to build up.
Be sure that you hit up the end of season sales to try and get some reasonably priced items for your new look. You should also not be afraid to check out thrift stores or buy second hand of the internet. You’ll find some gems for next to nothing.