Every now and again, we all have to have a bit of a clear out. Sometimes, it just hits you like a hangover. You get this sudden urge to take on every cupboard and storage closet in your house in the hope that you’re going to give it the cleanse of a lifetime. But more often than not, this is something that we tend to focus on for clutter and clutter alone. However, if you were to take that same philosophy and apply it to your beauty collection, it’s going to be equally as satisfying.
Whether you realize it or not, you’ll probably end up gathering quite a bit of makeup and skincare products. And unless you give them a good audit from time to time, they tend to build up. So, it’s time to give your beauty cupboard a complete overhaul!
Clear Out The Out-Of-Dates
So to start yourself off, you’re going to want to clear out the things that are going to be out of date. And before you say, huh? – yes, beauty products have a shelf like. Some can be as little as three months, while others stretch as far as 36 months. So if you’ve ever wondered why your mascara just doesn’t seem to be looking right, it’s probably seen better days! So you’re going to want to start by clearing out anything that you’ve had from years, and work back from there.
Declutter The Old Stuff
From here, you then need to cull the rest. Because you’re going to be left with the healthy stuff, but it might not be anything that you tend to use regularly. If you’ve not used any of the makeup or skincare for a few months (or even years) put it in the to-throw pile. The same rule as your clothes applies here, if you’ve not used it recently, you probably won’t in the future.
Bring In Fresh Features
Next, you’re going to want to update what you’ve got. So shop for skin care products and find some new makeup bits and pieces that you need. Even rebuying your favorite products can work here – as long as they’re fresh and in-date!
Invest In A Few Showstoppers
And, of course, you’re going to want to add in a few pieces of designer makeup and expensive skincare too. After all, you have just been through that entire clear out and you’re now missing some key pieces. So investing in a few standout stars is always allowed.
Don’t Forget The Rest
Finally, you’re then going to want to do something similar when it comes to your hair and body products. You may not have as much of these as you do makeup and skincare, but it still matters. In fact, if you feel like your hair and body have been looking for feeling a little bit off lately, it might be time to invest in some new products. So cull the stuff that’s too old or that you no longer use, and head out to your local store to pick up some pretty new products. Then, you’ll definitely feel good.
Until next time,
This is such a good reminder, especially with expired items and things I don’t reach for anymore. Sometimes I hang onto things for sentimental reasons…
I completely agree to majority of what you said. I guess nothing feels better than updating your stuff and trying to get rid of the old ones. I am excited to do this.
StyleSprinter Blog by Katya Bychkova