Often a mistake that beginners make when it comes to manifestation is not taking the steps necessary to achieve their goals. I call this, “The Secret Syndrome”, because The Secret by Rhonda Byrne is the stepping stone for manifestation newbies. But if you take The Secret at face value, you miss out on the important steps needed to manifest your dreams/goals. You need to take inspired action in order to achieve successful manifestation.
A lot of people new to manifestation often start off with the mindset that if they “dream” about their desires, it will come true. But it’s much more than affirmations and visualization.
You can check out my last Magic Monday post here.
Put Your Best Foot Forward
For me, the first step in successful manifestation is putting my best foot forward. This means actually taking my desires and putting them into action. I mean there is visualization, affirmations and mantras going on but all of those things need a backbone. Your actions to make your dreams come true is the backbone to manifesting.
For example, say you want to have a successful blog. You need to put in the work, act as if you already have a successful blog. My number one advice when doing this is not to be discouraged at the start of your journey. Success is the accumulation of your work. You might not be getting the views you want at first but if you continue to treat your work like it’s at the level you aspire to be, magical things can happen.
Often people get discouraged when their hard work isn’t yielding the results they were hoping for. That’s understandable. However, we often fail to see the seeds of our success and the impact they have on people especially when it’s not in the quantity we’ve envisioned. But again don’t focus on quantity. When the quality of your work is of a high, successful caliber people will come. Being authentic and offering your authenticity will attract the right people to you.
Think it, Live it, Be it
Some people fall victim to imposter syndrome when told to “fake it until you make it.” But let me be clear, you aren’t faking anything! You have dreams for a reason. Your dreams are vessels into the present reality. You can take a thought, live it and become it.
Celebrate every success, no matter how small. You wrote a blog post? Celebrate it! You made your first sale? Celebrate! You wrote down ideas? CELEBRATE! Inspired action means taking actionable steps inspired by your dreams. Your thoughts, your feelings, everything around you is a vibration. When you put things into motion the vibration changes and it’s only logical that vibrations will change to match what you’re putting out.
And it’s okay to feel doubt at first. It’s okay to question your actions and it’s normal to feel like giving up. But allow yourself grace, forgive yourself and harness whatever negative thoughts you have into something productive, helpful or positive for yourself. You deserve that.
Until next time,