Happy Monday, my loves! Can we believe that 2019 is almost over? My mind is blown that it’s December! Our Manifestation Monday is here and I wanted to talk about one of my favorite things when it came to manifestation. Manifestation should be fun! I think a lot of times, we take it too serious and formal. But listen, it doesn’t have to be! I’m all for getting down to business and slaying goals. However, when we forgot that things can be fun, we lose sight on how easy and effortless manifestation can be!
Take it Easy
Okay, so slow down! When we get too caught up on TRYING to manifest things, a sense of desperation kicks in. This desperation is harmful because often times we give off a vibe that we don’t trust the universe. But the brakes on and know it will be okay. Trust me! Manifestations come when you take it easy and trust that it will happen. It’s not a point as to when, but that it will absolutely happen.
I wouldn’t get caught up on a “when” because your “when” needs to be believable to you. Here’s an example: Say you have a business and your business normal generate 2k a month. So you decide you want to manifest a million dollars next month. Does that sound believable to you? If it doesn’t, then it’s not going to happen. But does $2,500 sound more believable? If that does, then start with that. You can build up from there.
Play Around, and Start Small
If you’re someone that hasn’t been actively practicing manifestation and the Law of Attraction for a while, or just want to step up, then here’s an exercise for you. Start small and be playful with it! And again, make sure it’s believable. I’ve gotten free coffee so many times so when I want to play with manifestation, I’ll try and manifest free coffee sometime during the week. Trust that the universe has got your back and wait and receive! Here are some things you can play around with that are small:
- Free coffee
- A refund of some sort
- Finding random change on the ground, maybe an exact amount like a quarter
- A new blouse
- A gift for someone you love
- A text or phone call from a specific person
- A specific song on the radio
Playing these little games of manifesting something small will help strength your trust/faith and help change your mindset. Remember my most important key: YOUR MANIFESTATIONS NEED TO BE BELIEVABLE BY YOU,
Check out last weeks post here.Last weeks post focused on the importance of decluttering when it comes to manifestation! It’s an important step in manifesting your desires.
I’d love to hear about anything you’ve manifested lately. Sharing those good, exciting vibes will help attract more into your life!
Until next time,