It’s been awhile since I’ve done a Manifestation Monday post. And as 2019 comes to an end, I want to start making moves on my goals for the new year. This includes keeping up with content that makes me HAPPY and content many of you seem to enjoy. Over on my Instagram, I’ve begun to focus more on manifestation and the Law of Attraction which many of you seem to enjoy greatly.
I feel like as time goes by my knowledge on the topic has really strengthened. When I take time to focus and put energy into whatever I want to manifest, those things come to fruition easily and naturally. That’s why I want to share my tips, tricks and knowledge with you all. This gives me an opportunity to put my knowledge into active practice as well.
Shifting to my manifestation topic today, I want to discuss the importance of decluttering in order to manifest things you want.
Minimalism vs. Declutter
I want to make it clear that there is a distinction between the two. Minimalism is a hot topic that only seems to be growing in popularity. However, minimalism isn’t for everyone and isn’t achievable for everyone despite what it being taught. Everyone is different, we live different lives and have different likes/interests. The idea of living a minimalist life shouldn’t be something that is pushed upon EVERYONE. If minimalism makes you happy, then by all means go for it! Do things that feel right for you.
Decluttering isn’t the same as minimalism though. You declutter in order to get to the minimalist lifestyle, however, they aren’t one in the same.
So what is decluttering and how does it help manifesting things you want?
The Magic of Decluttering
Decluttering is simply the act of getting rid of things that may be cluttering your life and space. Think of it as spring cleaning. Decluttering can really open up doors for manifestation though. It opens up space for you to receive the things you are manifesting.
Imagine this: You are dying for a pair of new heels and you have your eyes on the exact pair. You want to manifest those shoes somehow, either by someone gifting them to you to the shoes going on super sale. But in your closet you have several pairs of shoes that are just taking up space. Shoes you haven’t worn in ages. The universe knows this, the energy around you knows this. There is no appreciation or space for what you’re manifesting. However, if you get rid of things that no longer serve you, be it material OR emotional, the universe can make way to bring those desires into fruition.
You need to be an energetic match for the things you want. You can’t be a complete match if you have things that are holding you back. So in the case of a material item, like shoes or bags, you need to make the energetic space for that. If you’re looking to manifest something like a relationship, you need to clear space for that as well. Because someone can’t come into your life if there isn’t room available.
Getting Rid of What Doesn’t Serve You
When it comes to things that aren’t physical, you can still declutter. This means clearing yourself of feelings or ideas that aren’t serving you anymore, and maybe they never even served you to begin with! This is the act of changing your mindset, the act of letting go, the act of clearing space in your mind and heart.
Example: Say you want to manifest a successful business. What’s holding you back? Are you holding on to ideas such as you “can’t do it” or “it’s too hard”? What’s your current mindset when it comes to success in this realm? This would be the perfect time to sit down with yourself and have an honest heart-to-heart. What within yourself can you change? What can you do to improve?
Here’s a journal exercise you can do. Write down your answers and be honest with yourself!
1.When it comes to running a successful business (or insert whatever else) what are you’re ideas on this?
2. Do you TRULY believe those ideas?
3. How did those ideas become part of your belief system?
4. Write down any NEGATIVE encounters you have idea in regards to what you’re manifesting. After every negative encounter is written, write a positive HEALING note to yourself. Letting yourself know that it’s OKAY, whatever you’re feeling is valid and that you can move past it.
5. What can you do to move past these limiting beliefs? How can you change your mindset to something that serves you positively?
6. Write yourself two letters: One where you write about your new belief systems and how well they serve you. Then write a letter from your future self, talking about the manifestation and how well it’s worked out for you.
If you’re trying to manifest a material item, like a purse or shoes, you need to make space in your closet for it. There are a number of things you can do with whatever it is you want to get rid of. If you read, “The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up” by Marie Kondo or watched her Netflix show, I love how Marie talks about thanking your items for “serving” you. It shows appreciation for the items you had and gratitude does magically things when it comes to manifestation. While some people may think it’s silly, I suggest you give it a try when you do and let those gratitude vibes flow through you!
Now you can either donate the items to some place like Goodwill. Since Goodwill is the closet thrift shop to me, it’s the one I donate to quite often. I personally really like to donate to places like women’s shelters or shelters where the items are given directly to those in need. I often find myself with beauty products that were gifted to me that I won’t use or can’t use and there are shelters that those items can be donated to. Maybe you have family or friends you can give items to as well. I have a lot of family in the Philippines and the majority of clothes I don’t want anymore go there. You can do a quick Google search of places in your area that you can donate your items to.
If you’re looking to make a profit, sites like Poshmark are great for resale. There are a number of awesome resale sites and believe me they currently get traffic! I just suggest doing your research first to make sure you can make a decent profit. Another option is to do a local garage sale. There are tons of garage sales that happen in my area and people really make decent money.
I hope that there were some good take-aways from this for you. Let me know if you this helps you in any way, I’d love to hear your stories!
Until next time,