The law of attraction: you may or may not have heard of it. It’s something I’ve recently done more research on and tried to expand my knowledge on. It’s something I’ve known about for years but have recently really tried to implement more into my life.
My first time really learning about the law of attraction was when I was a freshman in high school. My substitute world history teacher spoke about it from time to time. There is one particular moment that stands out in my mind until this day. Mr. Bates (I’ll never forget this name) was talking about how he was going to be a millionaire. Some of the students giggled but he looked at us very seriously and said, “I’m being for real. Whatever you say goes out into the universe and becomes a truth. So I put it out there that I’m going to be a millionaire, and the universe hears it and it will become true.”
At the time I didn’t really understand that. That’s a loaded statement for a 14 year old, but for some reason it stuck with me. I thought about it often. I mean here I am at 29 and I still think about that moment.
What is the law of attraction?
People usually associate the law of attraction with the best selling book, “The Secret”. If you haven’t read it, I suggest you do. It’s a good starting point with getting your feet wet with this. If you have Amazon Prime the documentary is available so you don’t have to spend the money.
To explain this idea in my own words: What you THINK becomes THINGS. So simply put, when you think positive thoughts positive things are attracted to you. When you think negative things, negative things are attracted to you.
Stop and think about this if you haven’t. When you think something negative, you’ll notice a string of negative events follow. Like when you wake up in the morning, stub your toe and think, “Oh great, today is going to be ONE of THOSE days.” Now your mindset is negative and you attract negative energy. Because you think the day is going to be bad, of course the day is going to be bad! Those are the vibrations you are sending out so those will be the vibrations you get back.
Okay, so what does this mean?
So does this mean you can never have negative thoughts? No, because it’s human nature to have doubts, fears, etc. What this means for you is to be more aware of your thoughts and be more careful/mindful. It means not letting the negativity consume you. It’s so easy to let negative things over take your thoughts but it’s about you taking control of your thoughts AND feelings.
This isn’t something that happens overnight. It’s not a switch that you can magical switch and ta-da! So this means working with yourself to better your thinking process.
BUT here’s the thing, it’s not ALL about the thinking. It’s also about the FEELING. It’s hard to think negative things when you’re feeling great. When you’re on some good vibes, you’re just naturally thinking good things. Your thoughts and your feelings coincide with one another.
And this is what I means by it taking some time for you. When you’re so used to thinking and feeling negative, it’s going to take some work to turn that around.
What can you do to make changes?
My suggestion for making change is through reflection and reflective journaling. There’s something very cathartic about writing and it’s really going to help you. So my starting off assignment would be this:
- Think about the person you want to be. IMAGINE that person. Imagine you in a perfect world. What does this person do? Habits that they may have? What is that you like most about this person? Write it out. For example the perfect me has great skin, she takes care of herself physically and mentally, she drinks an appropriate amount of water DAILY, she’s doing what she loves daily…. and I could add on to that. But that’s my starting point. If you have a hard time with this at first, imagine you as the person you want to be and then think about what your day would be like. This may help you really imagine the “you” you want to be. Going through that daily routine will show you what you’re really wanting to improve on.
- Have some faith not only in the process but yourself. YOU are the driving force when it comes to all of this. Start feeling the way you want to feel, which I’m hoping is positive and amazing. Let me tell you this and I hope you told onto this piece of information: You are worthy of everything you want, you are deserving of your desires and you are wonderful.
- Try doing a 7-day gratitude challenge. I personally do this everyday but if you’re starting off maybe take baby steps. However, you’re welcome to do whatever you feel comfortable with. But all you’re going to do is write down one (or more if you’re feeling wild) thing you’re thankful everyday for one week. Being grateful what you have right now is a huge thing when it comes to the law of attraction. When you’re thankful now, you’ll attract more things to be grateful for.
Your Personal Affirmation
Affirmations are important to the law of attraction. I think a common misconception with affirmations though is that you need to set aside some time to reflect and say them. This isn’t true! Your affirmations can be said whenever you want, and I suggest saying them as much as you can! When I drive, I pull up an affirmation playlist on Spotify (there are several I love) and let that play on loop. I repeat the ones that feel good to me.
I also start my day with gratitude affirmations. I have a personal one as well, one I made up for myself, and repeat throughout the day.
Your affirmations don’t have an on and off switch, there aren’t perfect moments for you to say them. They are all available to you 24/7, whenever you need them. My honest advice is to come up with a personal one yourself. Your affirmation needs to feel right for you.
Resources to Help You
Below I’ll list some resources that may help you with getting starting, whether it’s websites you can check out, books you can read (audio books are a HUGE help with this!) or journals that I recommend:
Blogs and Websites to check out:
- What is the Law of Attraction?
- Using the Law of Attraction Guide with Jack Canfield
- 57 Law of Attraction Tips
- Manifestation Babe
- Kimberley Wenya’s Blog and Podcast
Books to read:
- The Secret by Rhonda Byrne Remember, you can watch the movie on Amazon Video if you have Prime!
- The Magic by Rhonda Byrne
- Unlimited by Zehra Mahoon
- Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Wealth, Health and Happiness by Esther and Jerry Hicks
- Wealth Beyond Reason: Mastering the Law of Attraction by Bob Doyle
Journals and other resources I use:
- Gratitude Journal
- Growing in Gratitude Journal
- The Mindfulness Journal
- Law of Attraction Planner/Agenda
- A Daybook of Positive Thinking: Daily Affirmations
- And any of those cute journals/notebooks they have at Marshalls/TJ Max’s etc….
So interesting, but I want to know…did you professor become a millionare?
xx, Nicole
Loved it! We recently published a blogpost about La of Attraction too! Check it out if you’d like https://etadeltakappa.blogspot.com/2018/06/thinking-out-loud-how-to-change-your.html