Recently, I was listening to a local radio station’s morning show where they had a discussion about Youtube and it’s major influence. Young children and teenagers now aspire to have careers as successful Youtubers. One listener called in saying her son would much rather meet his favorite Youtuber than say his favorite Hollywood actor.
Youtube allows us to find video content that we’re interested in. From biology, to history, to wacky experiments there is a part of Youtube for you. Personally, I find myself immersed in the beauty side of Youtube. I’ve been watching beauty vloggers long before anyone had a million subscribers. While there are several handfuls of beauty vloggers I’m subscribed to, there are three I find myself getting OVERLY excited about whenever I see a new video pop up on my feed.
1. Amelia Liana @amelialiana
I’m going to be really honest, I don’t remember how I even stumbled across her but I’ve been subscribed pretty much since the start of her channel. I think at the moment I would say she’s my favorite Youtuber. Her bubbly and sweet personality are what drew me in. She uses a lot of luxury products, but still uses a good amount of drugstore or more affordable options which can be appealing to a wide range of viewers. I’m more fond of her vlogs which are what initially got me to subscribe to her.
2. Claire Marshall, @ohhaiclaire
I came across her while looking up videos on the Alexander Wang Rocco bag. My first video I ever watched from her was her “What’s in my bag” with the Rocco bag. I felt like she had such a cool vibe and I’ve been subscribed since. Her make up tutorials are always so spot on and her editing is interesting and cool. While she may not post as much as a like, I always enjoy her videos when they pop up in my feed. You can tell a lot of time and thought went into making them and I can definitely appreciate that. Plus, she has Bruce…who wouldn’t love Bruce?!
3. Marianne Hewitt, @mariannahewitt
Dabbed as the Kim Kardashian of Youtube, she has WAY more going for her then being recognized as the famous Kardashian lookalike. She has this stylish and chic vibe going on and a sweet personality that’s relaxing to watch. I mostly watch her vlogs because she travels to such amazing places (and looks amazing while doing so!).
Like I mentioned earlier, there are sooooo many other Youtubers that I watch but these are my current favorites. Who do you love watching? Are there any Youtubers you’ve unsubscribed to recently? Any new finds? Hates? lol Let me know your thoughts below!
I like Claire Marshall a lot, she’s really down to earth and has a unique style. I’ve not heard of Marianne Hewitt – thanks for sharing. 🙂
Marianne is a recent find and I just love her! Her travel vlogs are what drew me in lol
I’m going to check out all of these ladies now. I am addicted to YouTube and I’m always looking for new people to watch. My favorites are Young Wild & Polished and Kathleen Lights. I recently unsubscribed to quite a few, but one in particular was Tati at GlamLifeGuru. I liked her videos, but she mainly used expensive stuff and was trying and reviewing all these crazy expensive products. She’s tried tons of products that are in the $200 range. I felt like she was using her job as YouTuber to justify buying such expensive things. I feel like the average makeup lover watching YouTube isn’t going to buy $200 foundation and $100 powders.
I hear so much ab0ut Kathleen Lights but I’ve never watched her videos, I think I need to jump on that! lol Yeah, I love high end makeup/products but $200 for foundation?! Who really buys that???
Thank you!! I like when people review products I can actually buy. I would never pay $200 for foundation. I didn’t even know $200 foundations existed haha
aaah I love claire so much. she’s become more about the art of making videos and less about promoting companies. love it. xoxo.
For sure. I love the work she puts into her videos. You can tell that so much thought goes into them. They are like visual art. Her favorite videos are my “favorite” as well because her recommendations are so on point.
I have a handful of favorites as well – top few are definitely Ginsmakeup, iamjustamakeuplover, Casey Holmes & Carli Bybel!!
I’ve never heard of Ginsmakeup…looks like I have a new channel to check out! thanks! <3
Thanks for posting this, honestly I’m always looking for new youtubers to watch! 🙂
Same here! I’m so addicted! lol
Nice post. I just recently got the hang of YouTube actually and right now, I’m always on it. I love watching @AnnieDrea @Thisisamina @Estare @Shirleybeniang and @ToniOlaoye.