I’ve been struggling with acne since I was 16 years old. I’m 25 years old now, so I feel like I’ve paid my dues so this acne thing should be well gone by now. Unfortunately, the skin gods do not agree with me and alas, I still get the occasional lurker. It sucks because I look young enough already, I get mistaken for a teenager all the time so throwing acne in there makes it even worse.
I’ve done and tired EVERYTHING. Every once and awhile I’ll find something that works great but the skin gods play their cruel games with me and after awhile my holy grail products stop working. I’m left crying and distressed. If you’ve struggled with acne you know the feeling. I swear I’m not being dramatic; this stuff sucks to highest levels of suckiness. Note: we’re making suckiness a word for theatrical effect to help showcase the true emotions that I may not be able to convey via blog post.
Anyways…. Let me get to my point. I have found TWO products that have not failed me. They are my tried and true, holy grail products. The skin gods have finally blessed me with something! Somewhere in my skin struggles, I suppose I did something that granted me pity from them. I kid, I kid but I’m sure you get my point. If you’re struggling, I suggest you try out Peter Thomas Roth’s Therapeutic Sulfur Masque and Mario Badescu’s Drying Lotion.
Out of the two, I highly suggest the sulfur mask first. This product has definitely been a game changer for me. If you’d like a more in depth review of the product, I can most certainly do that. But for now, all I can do is speak its praises! I use this mask 2-3 times a week. I’ll do 3 times when it’s closer to “that time of month” and I notice a HUGE difference. Not only does it help fight acne, but it leaves me skin feeling fresh and clean. It doesn’t over dry my skin like a lot of other masks have done. It’s the one product I would recommend over and over again. I first heard about it after browsing Morgan Stewarts blog, Boobs and Loubs, and one thing Morgan has going for her is (you know besides her…umm…boobs) FLAWLESS skin.
My other holy grail skin care product is Mario Badescu’s Drying Lotion. You use this product as a spot treatment to help with existing, or about to be existing, blemishes. In the past I was using Clean and Clear’s Persa-gel 10, which is pretty good, but it would over dry my skin and it stained my clothes if I got it on them during the night. I’m sure you’ve heard about this product some time during your life, but if not it’s definitely the best spot treatment on the market. You DO NOT shake the bottle. As you can see from the picture, the product has a liquid layer on top. You do not use the liquid part.
You take a cotton swab and dip it into the bottom to get the pink product and that’s what you use to put on your blemish. Simple enough, right? I love this product because like I said, this doesn’t over dry my skin. I hate when I have a blemish and I put something on it and for the next three days I’m left with a dry, peeling red mark on my face. That’s not cute! This product doesn’t do that at all! Within a night or two, I notice a significant difference with the blemish. PRAISE THE LORD!
If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below! Or if you have any suggestions or just want to blab…. I’m hear to listen! Ta-Ta for now! xoxox
I love posts on skincare! I read the first sentence of this post and I know we are already skin soulmates! HAH! I’m 25 too and have been struggling with problematic skin since my teens…it’s never gotten THAT bad but I still get self-conscious especially when I visit family in Asia cuz women put so much into their skincare routines and won’t be afraid to tell you if they spot any imperfections.
I will have to try out that PTR mask!
oh gosh, definitely skin soulmates! lol, yeah my acne has never been severe but it’s bad enough to make me stress out about it. i definitely feel you on the asian side because i’m half filipino and no one on my mom’s side has acne so i stick out like a sore thumb. try the mask because it has been such a life changing product for me! <3
I really love your blog, your posts are all so beautiful! I just followed you, it would be great if we can support each other 🙂 I am so glad I got to discover you <3
Awwww thanks girl and I followed you back. I’m always looking for new blogs to follow and your support means a lot to me
Thank you, you are so sweet! 🙂