Well, that’s some post title….
So here’s the thing blogging can be hard. It’s a lot of work but it’s totally worth it! You can ask almost any blogger and they will tell you that before they started their blog, they gave it a LOT of thought. There’s a lot of asking, “why?”, and ,”Who would even read my blog?!”. With a million blogs out there and a niche market for just about everything, it can be overwhelming. But here’s the thing as corny as it may sound…there’s only ONE YOU. You are unique; your experiences, your opinions, what you write is unique to YOU. And I mean here you are reading my blog, right?
So I haven’t talked about it much on my blog but if you follow me on Instagram (@brunchandgloss) you would see I talk about Style Collective quite a bit. Style Collective is a network that allows bloggers to connect and network with one another. So in a land of a million blogs, this can be helpful!
I felt like I drowning a bit when it came to network so I made the jump and signed up. And let me tell you I AM SO GLAD I DID. See the thing is no matter what you do you need a good support system, this doesn’t apply to just blogging. Whether you love to dance, sing, wood work, literally whatever you like, you need someone behind you encouraging you. This makes whatever you do 10x more enjoyable, right?
This past weekend I attended a blogger event for Style Collective that me and Nikki put together. We both signed up to be regional leaders so it was our responsible to put the event together. It’s definitely an experience I recommend! The event was a huge success and I got to meet other ladies in the area who share the same interests as me. This within itself was worth it.

We did a little ice breaker to get to know each other. We talked about what we wanted to be when we “grew up” when we were kids and how that’s (and if) that’s correlated to our lives now as adults. What I thought was fun about this ice breaker was we really got to know each other AND see how much we have in common. We literally all wanted to be something in the “creative” field, whether it be a designer, to a singer to an actress, we were not made for regular 9-to-5’s!
This was when I realized HOW rewarding blogging is. I’m putting/sharing pieces of me on the internet and these ladies are doing the same thing. We were able to establish meaningful relationships in a short period of time. Style Collective brought us together because of our common interest and goals.
Like I said, blogging can be HARD but having a group of friends that support, inspire and encourage is vital to your success. Blogging, and the same goes to anything else in your life, doesn’t have to be a competition. In fact, IT’S NOT. Don’t compare your numbers to other people. We can be honest here and acknowledge we want success for our blogs, lets be real here! With Style Collective I found other bloggers who want the same and are willing AND encouraging to their fellow bloggers. It’s basically a sisterhood of boss babe bloggers!

One of the girls at the meet up, Hailey, wrote a post documenting her first ever blogger meet up. She’s fresh on the blogging scene so if you’re new or have been thinking about blogging you can check out her post here.
Bottom line for me is if you’re interested in starting a blog, GO FOR IT! Do your research first though, get with other bloggers and pick their brains. Join a network like Style Collective. There are so many resources out there. Most importantly, have your support system. Having other blogger friends is important because this can be a huge motivation key and a helpful hand.
My other Style Collective girls will be posting as well so check out there blogs and posts regarding the event down below. They have documented different aspects of the event so be sure to give their blogs some love!
Until next time,
What an amazing post! I totally agree, and everything you wrote I almost wrote too 😂 It’s so true. There is only one you. No one in the world is the exact same. Kept writing girl 😍
What an amazing post! I totally agree, and everything you wrote I almost wrote too 😂 It’s so true. There is only one you. No one in the world is the exact same. Kept writing girl 😍
Having a community of women to connect with along this blogging journey is a true gift. I’m so happy we met butterfly. You and Nikki did a phenomenal job with putting everything together and I enjoyed supporting you all and look forward to partnering again in the near future. The brunch was so much fun and so was the ice breaker. It was interesting that we all wanted to do something creative growing up and now we’re all bloggers now. Great post girl! Hugs boo xxx
Great post! Super encouraging! I missed my should be first SC meet up. It was a sad day.
Nicole / theleopardcoat.com
Great post! I love being apart of SC too. Im so glad to havr discovered the place where bloggers unite to help one another.
Thanks! Yes, joining Style Collective has been great, absolutely NO regrets here
This was such a beautiful post to read. I, too, felt like I didn’t have a network of people that supported me so I joined Style Collective. I’ve had my blog for a few months before joining Style Collective and realized there was so much stuff that I didn’t know about. Although I only joined a couple weeks ago, I’m able to know so much about blogging and I’ve even connected with a few girls. Cheers to Style Collective. 🙂
Omg I know what you mean! There’s just some stuff that’s easier to learn from your fellow bloggers. I’ve learned so much already just from interacting with my Style Collective sisters.
Looks like you guys had so much fun!
We did! The food was great and the company was even greater! 🙂
This sounds great! I love all of the networking opportunities that blogging has gave me because I met so many lovely people from it x
Same, some of my dearest friends I met through blogging 🙂 It has definitely opened a lot of doors for me.
This is such a great post! I love being apart of SC!
I just love all the sisterhood in Style Collective!!! https://fash-n-curious.com/
This is a fantastic idea! I’m so glad you wrote this post, my blog has been up and running for a few months but I’ve hit that point where I need outside guidance. Style Collective is exactly what I’ve been looking for!
Ah! I hope you join! It has REALLY helped my blog and building an audience. If you have other questions about it, you can DM me on instagram my handle is @brunchandgloss and I’m happy to fill you in or answer any questions you have.