There may be times when you look in the mirror and don’t like what you see. It’s a normal and natural occurrence and happens to a lot of people.
Instead of getting down on yourself and focusing on the negatives, change your attitude and be willing to approach the situation in a new way. There are steps you can take to help you feel better when you’re feeling insecure about your appearance. Be patient with yourself because change takes time, and you may not be able to improve your looks immediately. However, with a few modifications and some persistence, you’ll soon be on your way to loving yourself and feeling more attractive.
Confide in Someone
Sometimes it helps to open up and be vulnerable about the way you’re feeling toward yourself. It’s not easy to admit, but talking out what you’re going through with a friend or family member may help. They might be able to offer up some useful advice and tips and relate to what you’re going through. Talking through your insecurities may bring to light some of the areas that bother you the most and make you feel more motivated to implement a few changes to your self-care routine.
Change what’s in Your Control
The good news is that you have the power and ability to change what’s in your control when it comes to your appearance. For example, you can get healthier foods, exercise more, and get rid of any unwanted tattoos with laser tattoo removal. You can also get better sleep to remove dark circles under your eyes and wear clothes that fit your body type. There are parts about you that aren’t set in stone and can be altered by you taking action.
Focus on Keeping Healthy
Part of feeling good about yourself and beautiful has to do with your mental and physical health. Therefore, focus on keeping healthy instead of what you look like in the mirror. Over time, you’ll soon notice that as you improve your health and well-being, you look and feel more beautiful too. Having better health means making sleep a priority, eating well, exerting yourself physically, and taking care of your mental health. All of these improvements combined will help you to feel less insecure about your appearance.
Make A List of Positives
No matter how bad you feel about yourself and your looks, the truth is that there is a silver lining. You have to retrain your brain to focus on the positives about your appearance instead of what you don’t like. Make a list of your best features and assets and compliments you’ve received from people in the past. Concentrate on what makes you unique and beautiful and how you can use these positives to help you maintain a healthier and more productive mindset. Throw out what the media deems as attractive and come up with your own definition. Don’t be afraid to also review what makes you a beautiful person on the inside, such as your personality and unique skill set.
Until next time,

I like that you mention inner beauty. Inner beauty is so much more important, and such a more attractive quality, than outer beauty in my opinion. Thank you for following my blog; I followed you back! <3
– FunSizeFit.com
This was so refreshing to read, thank you so much for sharing. I feel that confiding in someone is great because you get the time to let out some feelings and accept that you have a problem.
Thanks so much for reading! And yes, I believe talking to someone is just so beneficial
These points are very true. I used to let certain aspects about myself bother me, like the size of my nose, or I would walk around trying to suck my stomach in. I do find if you keep healthy, focus on the positives, and just have fun with it, that your insecurities seem to melt away.
xoxo Amanda | theaestheticedge.com