I was introduced to Cyclebar almost over a year ago. After my first class, I was hooked. I’ve found that as I’ve gotten older, working out has been more of a struggle for me. Life is much busier now with a household to run and my career to balance so working out had taken a back seat in my life. However, being physically healthy has always been important to me. I struggled trying to find something that kept me motivated. I found going to the gym wasn’t enough for me. Often, I would drag my feet to get to the gym and once I was there, I’d drag my feet even more!
I had watched a lot of my favorite Youtubers mention spin class and I was suddenly interested. I soon realized that there was a spin studio not to far from my house! I ended up receiving a free week pass to the studio near me, Cyclebar. After the first class, I was obsessed. The energy and the motivation I felt during class was intoxicating. Even more, the after feeling was amazing. I would drive home feeling so good about myself. After my free week I signed up for an unlimited membership and I haven’t looked back.
For me, spin has given me an outlet to change my mindset, it’s given me the opportunity to take time for myself and work on me. While I regularly mediate I find that my time at Cyclebar is another form of mediation. The instructors usually talk about what leaving behind what doesn’t serve you and focusing on your WHY.
One of the reasons I fell in love with Cyclebar were the AMAZING instructors I got to ride with. It’s truly a meditative experience. As they push everyone in class (in the best possible way though) they help remind me of what’s important. If you know me, you know I HATE being pushed and being told what to do. That’s why in the past I’ve struggled with having a personal trainer. At Cyclebar, I don’t feel that same resistance I’ve felt with having a personal trainer. Now, I know having a trainer works for a lot of people and if it’s something that does work for you by all means, get it! But when my body is tired and I’m getting pushed to do “one more set”, I shut down. The combination of the music, the instructors encouraging words and the uplifting vibe at Cyclebar really hit home with me. Every instructor tells you the same thing during class, you don’t have to follow everything they say but for some reason I’m totally motivated to try and keep up (even if I do fail!).
I wanted to take the chance to introduce you guys to one of my favorite instructors at Cyclebar and give you a glimpse as to why I LOVE this place so much. James has pushed me in ways he’ll never know and has inspired me to continuously grow and evolve. And all of this happens on a weekly basis with me sweating my butt of on a non-moving bike listening to him speak some TRUTHS.
I wish you could experience the magic I feel when I’m in James’ class. So for now I’ll give you a little getting to know you interview with my (one) of my favorite Cyclestars:

- Let’s start with the basics, how long have you been a spin/cycle instructor? I have been leading classes as an instructor for a little over 2 years now.
- Imagine someone really stepping out of their comfort zone and trying a spin class, what advice do you have for a new rider that may be nervous for their first class? Don’t be hard on yourself if you can’t do everything the instructor asks. It is your ride however you want to do it. Give in to the moment. Create your moment and ENJOY the sounds, the lights, the experience.
- What do you think sets Cyclebar apart from other spin studios? We are an inclusive brand. A rhythm based multi sensory experience! We have everything you need from water bottles, towels, spin shoes, even fruit to refuel with! Expect to get a workout like no other. We track your calories burned, your ranking in class, miles ridden, etc… It’s like being in a nightclub but on a bike! Lol
- There are several different types of classes available at Cyclebar. What’s your favorite to teach and why? Yes! My absolute favorite and what I teach most of is our connect ride. During these rides we take away the board and numbers and just ride. It’s such a great class to just let go. It’s all about riding to the beat of the music and creating that moment for yourself.
- Fitness means something different to everyone. Why does fitness mean to you? Fitness means being positive to me. Fitness is something I want to do. I never want to feel like I have to do something. It’s elevates my mood and It makes me proud to know I’m doing something for my future self when I’m “older”. (But I’m never really gonna get old haha)
- Now imagine you’re a rider, whose class are you going to and what’s their playlist like? Omg that’s such a hard question! I can’t just pick one. Everyone is sooo different but if I had to choose I’d say MYSELF hahaha My playlists are always lit!! Some stuff you may have never heard. They always flow, in my opinion!
- If you had to put one song on your every one of your playlists, what would it be? At the moment.. Toni Braxton- You’re making me high. So many uses for it. If it’s a jog it’s sexy and not to difficult. You can dance, vibe, do arms to it, use it to uplift. Sooo good!
- What’s been your favorite part of being an instructor? Creating new relationships with people. Helping others even if it’s in the smallest way
- Quick! A celebrity is riding in your class! Who is it? Britney Spears
- Everyone’s entitled to a cheat meal. What’s your cheat meal that you need to work off at spin class? Pizza
- Who is someone who’s really shaped you into the person you are today? My mom
- You’re meeting someone for the first AND last time, now is your only chance to make a lasting impression. What three words would you use to describe yourself? Kind, fab, loyal
- You’re on a deserted island, you can bring 5 things with you. What are they? Boyfriend, phone, dogs, internet, water, food (my note: that’s more than five!)
- If you had to watch only one movie for the rest of your life, what would it be? Silent Hill
- Favorite song at the moment and why? No sleep by Janet Jackson. She has a great voice and that’s what’s playing now lol
- I’m out and about, around town! Where would I find you outside of Cyclebar? Find me around downtown brunching, shopping, at the park, farmers market.
9. If you could give your younger self a piece of advice, what would it be? It’s okay to be different. Do what makes you happy.
If you live in the Central Florida area, I highly suggest that you check out Cyclebar in Winter Park! There is a second location in Lake Mary/Heathrow as well. You can check at James’ schedule on their website here.
If you’ve been to a spin class before, let me know your experience! I’d love to hear your thoughts.
Until next time,